Nov 29, 2011

A Summary of Chapter 8~ one thousand gifts~ Ann Voskamp

I will cross each bridge as I come to it. I will be stronger for the crossing because the "Bridge Builder" held the bridge up, and whatever I endure during the crossing, the Lord is teaching me to trust Him, to get me to the other side. Looking back I see Him, how He held me and the bridge while I was crossing it! Thanksgiving, is remembering and looking back to see that He has always been with me in the dark crossing. Trusting Him again when it's time to cross the next bridge and being thankful to
Him for it! ~me

Nov 26, 2011

Pass It On.

Have you seen any of these billboard signs? My first sighting was at Times Square in New York City, Helen Keller seeing possibilities, and I thought the message was great! The second was in a small West Texas town, along I-Hwy 20, in the middle of nowhere, called Baird. What a contrast between the two pictures! I was so surprised to see the Mona Lisa, on a drive that is otherwise very dreary. We never know what great surprises and blessings the Lord has in store for us and how wonderfully He pieces them all together. I pass this onto you and yes, I did SMILE!

Nov 22, 2011

There just in time!

Turkey's just in time for Thanksgiving, what a gift from the Lord! We've heard them gobbling for years but this is the first time they have ever graced us with their presence. Thank you, my Lord!

Nov 21, 2011

~Happy Thanksgiving~

Living thankful and being grateful will teach you to trust our Lord and fill the most ordinary of days with joy! ~Sherry Gaston~ A life contemplating the blessings of Christ becomes a life acting the love of Christ.~Ann Voscamp~